Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Choose a Domain When Launching a Website

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How Keywords Work With Domain Names

Choosing and buying your domain.

When building a website for your business start by taking care of 3 things before you do anything else:

Choose a domain name Decide where you want to have your site hosted Choose what software you will use for the physical pages and posts of your site

Before you can actually start your domain search you must know which network you want your site to be in. This isn't a difficult choice in my opinion since we all know the most popular network

If you need any reinforcement try this:

Think about the way you would feel if you had a great product but chose the wrong network because someone already had your choice of name on network. Even if you had a small degree of success it could all go up in smoke if the other guy with got wind of it. There are reasons to choose other networks especially if you are a non-profit but for what we are discussing here, online marketing, you should stick Below is a short list of networks, there are many more.

.com .net .org .info .biz .US

After you've decided the network you can start working on your URL.

The domain name is your web site's URL which means Uniform Resource Locator. You can pick any available URL for your site. To determine if a name is available you need to visit a domain registry, this is a site dedicated to selling URL's and assigning IP addresses to them.

A short list of domain registries:,

Finding a domain registry is the easy part, the hard part is searching for the domain that fits your market. When you're working to create a website for your online business you need to search for names that are related to the products and services you will be selling. To begin with use these three tips to get you closer. If you can do it you should create the name of your product while deciding which domain to use so that it will be SEO'd properly from the beginning.

If you've done your keyword research use what you've found to get as close as you can. If you haven't done your keyword research you need to do it. If you know the name of your product or service already use it as a guide. Think about what you would enter in a search in Google when you search for similar products and services. If you can't find a something with your product name in it you should choose a domain name that is closely related to your market. You want to make it easy to remember, something catchy and on topic The shorter the better but if you have to go long try to get a search term in there somewhere

Once you decide on a keyword phrase go to one of the domain registries and start searching. It costs nothing to search and all searches are private so you have nothing to lose if you put in some of your best ideas. Your first goal is to find what's available so do as many searches as you can until you get a couple of dozen or more available domains. Write them down and cull through them to get the best one. Sometimes it takes a day or two or even a week to settle on a good name. I would choose more than 1 you can always use the others as what Jeff Johnson calls "feeder sites".

When you do get a good domain or 3 you need to be invested in your business. What do I mean by that? I mean you should buy them for as long of a term as you can this will help you to be properly SEO'd in this department as well.

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Getting A Dot Com Dot AU Domain Name For Aussie Small Business In Australia

Getting Aussie small businesses online in Australia is not as simple as just registering your domain name and publishing a website. There are many rules specific to Australia that have to be adhered too and if you do not meet these requirements than you cannot register for a web address.

Australian must first have a registered business or be registered as a sole trader with a current ABN (Australian Business Number) before they can register for the domain space. The domain name chosen has to be relevant to the business name or in the case of a sole trader must reflect their name if they do not have a registered business name.

Registered Australian business can use their registered business name as the domain name. Sole traders must first register a business name before then can use it as a domain name. Sole traders without a registered business name must use their own name or something very similar for example; John Smith is a plumber so he can use johnsmithspluming or jsplumbing as long as it is closely related and not already in use it should be allowed.

Australia has an organization dedicated to use of the domain name space and at the end of year 2000, the Australian Government endorsed the .au Domain Administration LTD as the appropriate authority to manage the domain space and they will have any other information you will need to know that is not in this article.

If you are a sole trader or just starting a business it is inexpensive to register a business name and can be done online providing you have an ABN or are in the process of applying for one. The website that handles business name registrations is ASIC ( Australian Securities & Investments Commissions ).

Once you have your ABN then you can think about getting online and registering your domain name so you will need to decide what the best plan of action for you is.

Basically you have 3 choices!

1. Do it all yourself.

2. Find someone to do it all for you.

3. Work together with a consultant that can help and advise you.

Choice 1 is the hardest unless you already have the experienced and I would not recommend that for beginners.

Choice 2 is the easiest option but it will also cost you the most and you may not get exactly what you want, need or is best for you.

Choice 3 would be the most practical option because you have the advantage of getting help and learning as you go. That way you are not left dependent on others to keep you online and all the questions can be answered without paying a fortune.

Buy A Potential Website Or Domain Name And Make Thousand Of Dollars From It   Getting Free Domain Names Is Easy   Domain Names - How Much Do They Cost?   Discover How To Register A Domain Name   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   

Using Domain Names to Make Your Business More Professional

No matter what type of business you run, the key to your success will be making yourself stand out from the crowd. It's a buyer's market and this means that businesses all around the world will have to create a competitive advantage. If you don't already have a website and internet presence then you are already missing out.

Local not Global

Lots of people think that the internet is a global resource, and if their business only has local customers then a website isn't necessary. This isn't actually true. Few people bother picking up a phone book anymore, most people will visit a search engine like Google and type in the company that they are looking for.

Remember that people are impatient; they like to get the information they need straight away. If they can't find your company online quick enough, then they might start looking somewhere else.

Paid Hosting

Most internet service providers include a free hosting account with their services. The problem with these is that they are unprofessional and only normally designed for very small sites. In order o get the most out of your website you really need to have a domain name.

A domain name is the name of the website that people type in to access your site. It is the,, .net, and so on. Choosing a catchy domain name is key to making your site successful.

Choosing free hosting may be the cheapest option, but it won't help you to get the most out of your site. Free hosting accounts often have very long addresses like which doesn't look very professional. Being able to have is much better.


Another knock on benefit of having your own domain name is that you can start having much more professional email addresses. Rather than having a Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo mail account, you can have address @

Easy and Cheap

Now you might think that getting this web presence would be very difficult and costly. Actually, this couldn't be further from the truth. By shopping around on the internet you should be able to find a fantastic deal for your business so that you can benefit from the internet.

As a domain name and website won't cost your business much, it's certainly worth investing in. The sooner you build a site, the sooner you can start benefiting from it.

Buy A Potential Website Or Domain Name And Make Thousand Of Dollars From It   Getting Free Domain Names Is Easy   Domain Names - How Much Do They Cost?   Discover How To Register A Domain Name   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   

Domain Name - Tips to Choose a Domain Name Wisely

Your domain name is a very important part of your site, whether it is a blog or website. It is your brand and will reflect on your site so you have to choose wisely. If your upcoming site is about you, you will most probably choose your name as a domain name so there is nothing difficult about that. However if your new site is about anything else, then there are some things you should take into active consideration. This will ensure that your site will be successfully branded and give the right message to would-be visitors.

So what is a domain? Think of it as your address details of your site. People who want to visit your site will type in your site's domain in the address bar of their browser. Most of the domains end but other domain extensions exist. The most common,,

A domain name should only be chosen after keyword research. Once you have decided on the niche market you intend to target you should carry out keyword research to see which sub-niche you will be targeting. It is important that you find a low competition and high demand niche as this will help you immensely in ranking highly in the search engines. Moreover having the keywords associated with your chosen niche in your domain will give a further boost to your site's rankings. And the name of the game is getting your site on the first page of the search engines.

A domain name should have 2 parts. The first part I covered above is for the search engines. The second part is for humans. The second part should precisely define what you intend to write about in your site.

A simple example will make things clearer. Let's say that your chosen sub niche, after keyword research, is about dog grooming. This is for the search engines. But your site will be delivering useful information about the various shampoos available. And if you have thoroughly researched affiliate programs about the various shampoos available, you might also be able to earn some money online. So the human part of your domain name will include shampoos. Your complete domain name will therefore be dog grooming shampoos.

The placing of keywords in your domain name is also important. Always try to place the search engine keywords of your domain as close to the start of your domain name as possible. This is good for search engine optimization purposes. Last but not least, if the sub niche you are targeting, in our case dog grooming shampoos, was found not to be too competitive, you might rank highly by virtue of having chosen a domain name wisely.

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When It Comes to Domain Names You Must Realize That a URL Is Not a Brand Name

The other day, I was talking to an online startup company that had some decent funding. They were interested in a little bit of consulting expertise from me and had inquired about the proper domain name strategies to help catapult their business. They immediately started looking at potential domain names which were for sale, and they were willing to spend quite a bit of money. Indeed, I'm not sure if that makes a lot of sense.

In fact, the domain name may not be as important as you think, and certainly not for the same reasons. You see, there's a difference between a hot property, or an easily memorable domain name and what is needed to capture brand name recognition from the online consumer. Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we because it is a decent question.

First, before I get into this I'd like to recommend a very good book to read which actually has a chapter on this topic. The name of the book that I'd like to recommend to you is;

"Deep Branding On The Internet - Applying Heat and Pressure Online to Ensure a Lasting Brand," by Marc Braunstein and Edward H. Levine, Prima Ventures Publishing, Roseville CA, 200, 380 pages, ISBN: 0-7615-2532-7.

In Chapter II titled; "A URL Is Not a Brand" the authors make some rather interesting comments, which really makes you think, that is if you are a branding and marketing person. The authors suggest that just because you cyber-squatted a great URL, doesn't mean that any company should buy it and assume that this will suffice for proper branding. Although some of these cyber squatted names did sell for millions of dollars such as "Business (dot) com" which was one example used by the authors, it doesn't mean that is a brand name, just as owning a domain name such as "sports cars (dot) com" is not a brand name.

Now this doesn't mean those aren't great "internet real estate" properties to own, they definitely are, but there is much more to it than that. After all, what is a Google, Yahoo, or Zynga, etc.? Today, those are great brand names. The reality is those domain names probably didn't cost much of anything, perhaps the owners or founders of those companies thought up a good name for a company, or something unique, and then registered those domain names for a very low price. They didn't spend millions of dollars to buy them. You see my point?

Far too often startup entrepreneurs believe that they need a specialized domain and can therefore make the business work. Some actually believe that if others have already taken such a domain name then there is too much competition out there and they will never be able to make any money. That's just not the case, that's not how works. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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Are All of the Cool Domain Names Taken?

Every year thousands of businesses start and a majority of them want a website. This also means that they will a require a domain name. Domain names, good ones that not only represent their business but are search engine friendly,that utilize the correct keywords, listing and type.There is only one problem, everyone wants the same thing. Everyone wants the perfect domain name but they can not all be successful in getting the name that they want. More than likely, their name is already taken. There are 30 million .com, .org, .nets registered but there are thousands of domain expiring every day. They expire because their owner no longer needs or wants them, forget to renew them, or just are not able to pay for their renewal. Some of these domain might be just right for your business. And the best part is that you can buy them.

As the buyer, it is up to you to determine how much these domains are worth and what you are willing and able to pay for them? You want the right domain name but is your purchase cost-effective. Don't go broke buying a name. Be sure that the benefits are worth the cost. Does the name come with a good Google Page Ranking? Does it have sound Back Links? What type of sites link to this name? Does it come with favorable Search Engine Optimization? How valuable is this expired domain to you? Do your research!

Next question as a buyer, is where can I purchase these expired domains? The best way to get these names is through auction sites. These sites bring both buyer and seller together. Sellers wanting to profit from the domains they've acquired and buyers wanting to purchase domain name that most closely fits and will benefit their business.

The auction site that you choose should have the expertise and experience to provide the customer support needed to guide you through the bidding process.They should have the tools to enable you to search by keywords, listing, type and domain extensions (.com, .org, .net, etc). Auction sites should offer you protection. You should be able to receive the domain name before the seller receives payment. (check with the auction site regarding their policy on this matter). Some also offer escrow services.

Last but not least, these sites charge a fee. Usually starting at 10%, with a minimum of $5.00. Try to keep the cost down.

There are many expired domain auction sites online and millions of expired domains, so start your search and Buy the Domain That You Want!

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Helpful Tips for Those Getting Started Investing in Domain Names

In the year is 2012 and it is still not to late to make money in the domain name industry. While those that did get in the market 15 years ago had more opportunities, there are still many great domain names out there. Here are some tips that those that are interested in getting started investing in domain names might find useful.

Before you spend any money on buying domain names, it is recommended that you do a lot of reading and research from a variety of sources online. It is common for new or novice domain investors to waste a lot of money on names that are not that great in the beginning. Once you have a decent grasp on the domain name market and the value of domains you can ease into it.

Every day there are less and less domains available via hand registration, but that does not mean it is not worth checking for available domain ideas. Take the time to check for available domain names using a popular and trusted registrar like GoDaddy. The domain name aftermarket is where you can find a lot of decent names that have already been registered for sale. You should regularly frequent places such as TDNAM, popular domain name forums, SEDO, etc. By doing so, you can get a better understanding of what domains are selling for and find opportunities to be had.

Unless you really know what you are doing always stick to .COM .COM is typically going to hold the most value in general. If you want to venture into other TLD domain extensions I would stick with the most popular such as .NET, .ORG, and possibly some popular country code if we are talking about a GEO specific website or service. You would almost always want your brandable domain name to be a .COM, but in some cases a long tail exact match keyword .NET or .ORG can be quite useful and valuable.

Avoid trademark domain names at all costs. I repeat, do not register domain names that are obviously trademarked.

Try to come up with a good strategy for your domain investing venture. Are you wanting to be a long-term investor or are you going for the quick flip? Before you register a lot of domains and build a large portfolio, remember that you will have yearly renewal fees. It is easy to amass a large amount of domain names if you do not know what you are doing.

For me it helps to approach domain investing through the eyes of a webmaster or web developer. When I see a name, I think about what someone could and would want to do with it. A good portfolio of names should be built slowly over time. If you are acquiring a lot of domains over a short period you might be doing something wrong and might want to stop and reevaluate what you are doing.

We all have our own style and there are a lot of ways to lose or make money in the domain name industry. It is just that some methods are safer than others. Either way, take the time to keep current with the industry and constantly learn new things. Do not be afraid to experiment on a limited scale and try to look at the big picture. Domaining can be a lot like gambling, so educate yourself and hedge your risks before you get too invested!

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How to Go About a Domain Search for Your Website

Before a company name is selected the domain name availability has to be checked. For the success of any business an aspect that is most important is the domain name. If in case the company name is not available then another name has to be selected by the business owner that relates perfectly to the services and products provided by the business.

In the process of ranking on the search engine a significant role is played by the search engine. Ranking could be very high if the domain name that has been selected contains keywords of the right kind. Selecting appropriate keywords in the domain name ensures better position in ranking, an increased visibility and in turn a better sale.

Following A Few Tips While considering domain name availability a few tips could prove to be of great help and in turn increase the revenue as well. To register the domain name you will need to identify a good domain registration company. See if it is a reputed one. The company has a list of domain names on their website. All that you need to do is type in the domain name to be considered and the status of the domain name will be returned by the database.

Time taken for this process is hardly a few seconds. When the result is generated all that you have to do is choose a domain name that is effective enough as the name of your company. The process of domain registration can next be completed and payment for the domain name can be made. Process of registering the domain name is not at all an expensive one.

Free Services With the hosting service free registration is offered for the domain name. Many of the companies hardly charge too much for hosting websites. You could make the best of the free services for domain search offered by the hosting company for websites. Even if features and support at the enterprise level is not offered by the website hosting company at least they are a great option for those having limited capital.

Besides having a domain name at the end of the process, the users will also have a virtual server for website hosting that also a server for data storage. A number of other benefits of website hosting can also be enjoyed by users interested in domain registration. A number of services are included as part of the web hosting service typically.

Services Offered By Web Hosting It allows storage of more than 5GB, bandwidth that is unlimited to adequate, guaranteed uptime to the extent of 95% to 100% in most cases, unlimited to adequate availability of disk space, 24x7 customer support, access to control panel, either one or more than one emailing address, options of a virtual private, dedicated or shared server hosting, choices of operating systems, add-on domains and site data base to name a few.

If more data has to be handled then more memory or disk space will be needed as compared to other companies. For this the package can be upgraded. While conducting a domain search you will need to keep in mind, optimization of the website a well. To improve ranking on the search engine, a popular key phrase or keyword can be used.

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Will You Get Higher Google Ranking for Registering Domain Names for 2 Years or More?

In a bid to increase their revenue, some registrars state that it would help our websites to rank better in search engines, particularly Google, if we were to register our domain names for more than a year.

But according to Matt Cutts, Google's software engineer who specializes in search engine optimization issues, Google doesn't rank a page or site based on how many years its domain name has registered for. They do look at the historical data of the site to determine its quality.

In other words, if your website is brand new and you buy the domain for say, 5 years, you'll still appear as a new site to Google because you do not have a past track record yet. Don't you think it's a bit shallow for Google (or any other search engines) to consider the age of a domain as one of its ranking factors?

Some people even speculate that if they were to register for more than 2 years, they'll escape the so-called "sandbox effect". That's not true.

Whenever I create a new site with a new domain, once Google indexes my site, I would see my site start ranking on the top few pages. And the ranking climbs when I get more backlinks via article marketing and social networking. Simple as that.

Having said all that, don't fall for the gimmicks by those domain registrars.

Imagine you're not sure whether you're going to use this particular domain name for long term, and you buy it straight for 3 years just because someone says that the age of domain name helps in your site ranking, then after few months or so you found a better name that complements your business model better, you would have wasted the extra 2 years.

No doubt it may cost you only an extra $10 per year, but this could add up to your business cost if you need to buy multiple domains for business expansion.

You should buy a domain name for more than 1 year only if you feel strongly that it is what you've been looking for and are going to use for years or even life. I always register for one year first for any new domain and then will assess its relevance and usability to my business model, as well as whether it's a good brand name that makes people remember easily and return to my website more often.

If I find it inappropriate after months of evaluation, I will not renew this domain name and will create a new one to replace. Speaking of renewal, remember to set it to auto if you want to keep it alive or manual if you decide to let it "die".

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I Just Bought A Domain Name - Will My Privacy Be Respected?

In short,no. Not unless you have taken steps to ensure privacy, and even then the shield you put up will not be ironclad. This article will first discuss why complete privacy is impossible-- as well as dangerous; then we will talk about what can be done to secure at least a modicum of privacy for your personal information.

ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) the governing body for domain names, demands that every domain name registrar furnish it with accurate domain ownership information including reliable contact details with the name of an authorized person for contact purposes--that means you!

What happens if you fail to give the registrar accurate information? Well, the registrar can terminate your registration rights, for one thing. For another, somebody else can take control of the domain. Does this actually happen in the real world? I'm told that it does; and happens often enough to make inaccurate information an expensive proposition! Don't despair, it gets worse.

Every registrar is further required to provide an interactive webpage and "Whois service" to enable free access to up-to-date data concerning all active registered domain names. Which is to say that you must give them your private information, and in the absence of any actions to the contrary on your part, they will make that same information available to anyone, anywhere, with access to the Internet.

By the way, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, a "Whois service" looks much like the domain name search box you used to register the domain. The difference being that when your domain name is typed into that box, out will come your name, address and phone number. Give it a try; you will find it most informative!

So what can you do to at least make it difficult for the predators, perverts and other malefactors we are told are hovering around out there in cyberspace? Remember, don't fake it; that's just asking for more problems. The best thing to do--indeed the only thing you can do is take your domain private. Virtually all the registrars have systems for doing this. The name, address and phone number of a recognized agent will be substituted for your own. How can they do this legally? Well, the existence of the agency was accepted by ICANN as sufficient evidence of acceptable contact information. In Theory all ICANN has to do is go to the agent when necessary.

One more detail. Be sure you purchase the privacy at the same time you register the domain. If not it is rather easy for knowledgeable searchers to discover who registered the domain immediately prior to being taken private--they know the odds are that that person will be the present owner-- namely you!

Have we answered the question posed by the title to your satisfaction? It might not be the answer you wanted to hear, but it is the reality of the net. You can at least make it difficult for those folks looking for your private information even if you can't avoid them entirely.

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How Domain Names and Landing Pages Help In Website Marketing

To market your website you will need to make the best use of landing pages and domain names. For your online business, they are the best marketing tools. The domain name is very important to enable customers to find your business. You site needs to be located easily on the web, right?

You need to make sure that you select words or a set of words that are easy to remember and use via the address of Internet Protocol. In this address, numbers are used in a series which are designed to allow communication from one computer to another, over the online resource.

Easy To Use Domain Names To enable communication between computers, an IP or the Internet Protocol address is required in the very same way people need mailing addresses to post their letters at the post office. The domain name should not be too difficult to remember; hence conducting an extensive domain search is important. Registration of the domain name can be done at reputed domain registration companies online but you will need to identify a suitable one first.

The other effective tool that is to be used in marketing websites is the landing page. Squeeze page is the other term for the landing page. It is for the purpose of acquiring leads that the creation of this single web page which is called the squeeze page is done. Information provided on the landing page should be attractive enough to compel and motivate the readers to investigate the benefits of the service or the product.

Advantages In return a free video or a free report that is useful to the visitor is offered when you invest in the address for emailing. For the landing page the header should be simple, with no sidebar. The main aim of creating the landing page is to get the desired specific response. Ensure that there are no distractions on this page.

Beside this there are other tools like the autoresponder which can help in lead generation to ensure that the online business works well. Before you get started with the online business it is best to get things sorted out first, determine the best marketing tools, check domains and accordingly work towards success. Try to gain from the experiences of other people running online businesses by networking.

Make the Most of Online Business Once you determine the best method you will be in a better position to help others to make the most of their online businesses, using effective marketing tools. Owning and setting up a presence on the web is the core function while marketing over the web, in an online business. The landing page and the domain name help in creating a great website.

The website becomes the base rostrum of your business on the web so you need to ensure the best of care while upgrading it. Take a look at the branded domain names of other businesses; this also proves to be effective for your online business address. All that matters is the effort made to spread the name of your web business. Creating your own brand is very important.

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How to Work Comfortably Online With One of the Best Domain Names

A domain name needs to be purchased for your website or websites, once you attain necessary comfort of working over the internet. It would be nice if it is a memorable one and as compared to the rest, ensures your website's higher ranking on the search engine. It wouldn't be good enough if a wrong domain name is selected. There are a few basics to be considered to make a domain booking.

Coming up with a good name for the domain is the primary thing. The latest trend is selecting combinations of dual words. If you try out using your very own name then the site would have a professional look. At the time of selection ensure to avoid spellings that are very fanciful. Also while representing sounds, avoid using 8s and 2s. Instead using the number 1 is sure to work.

Accomplishing a Memorable Name A good idea would also be to use the name of the product or the offerings made on the site content in the domain name. Accomplishing a memorable and a short name to register domain is a good thing, but accomplishing it is a bit difficult. Coming up with a few names for the site is helpful enough so that they can be tested on the registry. Using extension is always valuable as compared however you will need to have access to .net or .info.

If in case you are looking for a lucrative site and do not mind competition then other extensions can be picked up as well. To register domain name is not a very expensive affair. To get a better price, bulk domain name registration proves to be very beneficial. Depending upon the place where the business is located accordingly, you can select the extension.

Using Two Extensions For example if you are running a business in the United States can be used as an extension. When customers have a look at the extension they are able to ensure that they are looking a business that is US specific. This is a great idea for those online business owners who are looking towards having customers from the United States. You could be one of those fortunate ones who may have both extensions of domain names open.

In such a case if the cost of having both and extension does not cost too much then you can go ahead and purchase both the extensions. Geographically your site is able to get an identity of its own, immediately. In the building up of relationships on the internet, this can be one of the most crucial things. Once the website is ready, a domain name has to be purchased and submitted to the search engine which takes its time indexing sites that are new.

Building Adequate Traffic A lot depends on the search engines to make the website valuable or not. Depending upon your need you could have more domain names, which point at one main site. The site can be set up in one domain name and web traffic from the other sites could be directed to the main site in a process called forwarding web traffic.

Just registering a domain name isn't sufficient since adequate traffic too needs to be built around it. Much before the renewal date you will need to have it renewed for multiple years and this needs to be remembered by the website owner. If you are hiring services for domain booking then make sure you identify a reliable one.

Buy A Potential Website Or Domain Name And Make Thousand Of Dollars From It   Getting Free Domain Names Is Easy   Domain Names - How Much Do They Cost?   Discover How To Register A Domain Name   Domain Privacy   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   

How To Choose A Domain Name For Your Niche Website

A domain name is the address that your website will get found by people. In layman terms, it is the physical address you provide for others so that they can visit you. Hence with a domain name, your friends and target can find your website. It is the first most important criteria towards starting an online business.

Deciding on a domain name requires some prior study to the market and the target crowd. Here's some tips for you to take note on how to choose a domain name for your website.

Market Research

In order for you to have a better chance to get found by Google the search engine, you need to identify the keywords that is widely searched by your target market. Actually this is the toughest step in deciding the domain name for your website. It usually takes days and sometimes even months to do the market research.

Luckily, Google has made it easy to understand the terms commonly search by the market via its Google Keywords Tool. Remember to use it to find out your niche before jumping into choosing your domain name based on emotions.

Choose .com Domains

As a newbie, often the decision which type of domain should one choose? Always choose a .com domain if possible. .com domains are the defacto in the industry and most people are accustomed to .com domains. It provides more credibility to your business compared domains.

Keywords Rich Domains

Domains should be keywords rich. Your domain names should be short and contain the commonly searched terms that your audience will search when you are doing your market research. This will ensure that your websites have a higher chance to be ranked on the first page of Google.

Short Domains

Domains should short and concise so that it is easier to remember. Remember if you have long domain name, chances are it is easier for misspellings and errors; it will make your website harder to be found. In the market these days, it is almost impossible to find 2 worded keywords. If you can, you have probably hit a goldmine. 3 to 4 worded keywords are still acceptable to most people. Anything more than that will be hard for your users to search.

Numbers and Hyphens

Avoid numbers and hyphens as much as possible. These not are natural keywords terms that people will type in the searchbox. A hyphenated domain does not rank as well as one that is non hyphenated. In addition, a hyphenated domain made it seem it is trying to copy the real domain, hence it gave the impression of an inferior website. You definitely do not want that to happen to your website and lose out on the traffic.

After deciding the on the domain name for your website, you can register them in domain registrar such as Godaddy and Namecheap for a mere amount of USD$10 annually.

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Soviet Union Kept Alive Through The Internet

A large portion of Modern History deals with Communism, and the centre of the Communist world was the Soviet Union (USSR). Though the USSR has been nonexistent for quite some time, it still manages to maintain a presence today through use of the Internet.

The History

The ccTLD .su was given to the Soviet Union in 1990, just before it was formally dissolved in 1991. .ru was later made to serve as a replacement, however things did not go as smoothly as planned.

.ru is certainly the most popular in Russia. There are even second level domains for members working alongside the state. An example is for Tomsk Oblast. Yet, it did not completely replace and destroy the need for .su.

ICANN had been struggling to terminate .su, especially seeing how they had accepted it so shortly before USSR dissolution. They had already succeeded in terminating Yugoslavia's .yu and Czechoslovakia's .cs, .su was the last hurdle. However, those with ownership of a .su domain name were not willing to give it up, some due to patriotic reasoning and others due to politics. Also, seeing the importance the Soviet Union had on history, it had great value.

.su is still around for registration today and has gone through periods of serious increase with changes in price. The .ru was often much cheaper than .su, to encourage individuals to buy .ru, however this eventually changed. It is clear that the removal of .su wasn't as simple as ICANN had planned.

Why do people use .su?

Against popular belief, registering a .su domain name does not make you a die-hard Communist - it has a variety of customers. Some of the popular names are taken by profit seeking individuals or companies, others used for their historical value (

Due to an increase in enforcement on domain, cyber criminals have also begun to move across to .su.

Nostalgia is one of the main reasons why an individual might register a .su domain name. Some see the Soviet Union as a time where Russia cared about its people, actually looking back on it as a brighter time. Others see no reason to try advertising an Empire that has already failed.

It is unlikely that .su will be going away for a while, however you can never be certain. For this reason registrars usually warn clients of how their .su domain could potentially be removed later on.

Personally, I see .su as an important part of History, however from the horrors inflicted by a Cold War past, it is evident why many will want it gone.

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